back to articles | December 04, 2023 | Jeremy Bowler

Categories: Lifestyle

3 Unique Ways To Make Your Car Stand Out

There are countless cars on the road, and many of these look practically identical. When they’re the same make and model, there’s nothing setting them apart. You mightn’t want to settle for that with your car.


There are countless cars on the road, and many of these look practically identical. When they’re the same make and model, there’s nothing setting them apart. You mightn’t want to settle for that with your car.

Instead, you’ll want to know how to make your car stand out. Thankfully, this isn’t complicated, and there are quite a few ways you can do it. It’s just a matter of using the right strategies, with three of these standing out.

1. Add Some Vinyl Stripes

Sporty cars are always some of the more popular ones to choose, but these can still look relatively similar. If you have one of these, you could want to put a little extra time and effort into it. By adding a vinyl stripe, you could make your car stand out more than you’d think.

It’s quick and easy to put on, and it can add more visual appeal than you could’ve thought. You can even put a few of these on your car to have more of an impact. These come in various colors and styles, so you’ll have plenty of options to choose from.

2. Change Your Plates

Your license plates are legally required, and you’ll register them when you first get your car. That doesn’t mean you can’t change them at some point. While it’s a bit of a process, you can change your license plates relatively easily. You’ll even have plenty of options on offer.

A cherished number plate can be an appealing one, for example, as it looks unique compared to newer plates. These ones don’t come with a year on it, and this could be a nice touch to your car’s aesthetic. It’s more than worth looking into your options.

3. Install Interior LED Lighting

While most of the ways to make your car stand out focus on the exteriors, not all of them do. Sometimes, it’s worth focusing on the interiors. One of the easiest ways to have a noticeable impact with this is by installing LED lighting. It’ll have an immediate and visible impact on how the inside of your car looks.

It can be easy to install and shouldn’t take up much space. You can even find it in various colors, so you’ll have no problem finding one that looks perfect for you. If you’re in your car during darker hours, this could even make it safer.

How To Make Your Car Stand Out: Wrapping Up

If you don’t know how to make your car stand out, you could feel like you have to settle for your car looking like countless others. That isn’t the case. Far from it. Instead, it’s just a matter of using a few specific strategies, and you’re good to go.

Not only can they be easy to do, but they could have more of an impact than you’d think. With how easy and effective they are, you’ve no reason not to at least consider them.