back to articles | January 08, 2020 | Staci Bailey
Categories: Auto Loans & Financing Consumer Credit Loan Calculators & Rates Types of Car Loans The myAutoloan Difference
How Your Credit Score Affects Car Loan Rate
If you are thinking about purchasing a car, you will need to find out about your own credit score as this can have an effect on the out come of obtaining an auto loan. Since you already know you will need some funds to buy an automobile, you will need to get auto financing – and you will want to know just how your credit score affects your car loan rate.

Your score can consist of several factors and one of the most important is your payment history. Any late payments or missed payments you have had will certainly have an effect on your rating and thus your credit score. Also, all of your credit card balances are taken into consideration whenever loans are being estimated. There are a few other things as well that are taken used in determining whether or not you can obtain any auto loan, like checking and saving accounts and any personal loans or any mortgage payments.
One good reason why having a good history of credit is so important is that it will certainly determine any eligibility you have for a car loan. This can also have an effect on the interest rate you will be charges to secure your loan. Your ability to pay off the car loan is evaluated along with any money that you may have borrowed and now need to pay back.
Any loan interest rate will be dependent upon your history of your credit. Interest rates are lower for the people who have a good history of credit. In most cases, people who have an average or a low credit rating, will need to pay a higher car loan rate towards the interest on a loan.
Whenever you go and apply for auto loans with any dealership, they use a credit report. Then according to your credit score, the dealer will make a lending decision and interest rate based on your score. They usually mark up the interest rate so consider using a direct lender and finance outside of the car buying efforts. The thing to remember is that all dealerships will charge you a higher rate of interest on any auto loan.
The credit rating that you have will make all the difference in whether you can be approved for your auto loan and what the interest rate will be. It may be worthwhile to check out car buying tips to help save you the most cash or tips to improve your credit. It is highly recommended that you try to keep any credit you have in good condition by paying your bills on time. The score of any credit report will always be the deciding factor in determining your eligibility for a car loan and the rate that you will pay.
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