back to articles | June 12, 2023 | Jeremy Bowler

Categories: Useful Automotive Information

Keeping Your Car Interior Clean Is A Routine, But It's Worth It

Anyone with a busy schedule knows how easy it is to cause the interior of their car to look like a mess. This is especially true if you have children, because they’re adept at crumbling snacks they may be eating, dropping toys, throwing litter they may have, and leaving muddy footprints on the back of the passenger’s seat.


Anyone with a busy schedule knows how easy it is to cause the interior of their car to look like a mess. This is especially true if you have children, because they’re adept at crumbling snacks they may be eating, dropping toys, throwing litter they may have, and leaving muddy footprints on the back of the passenger’s seat.

But you don’t need children to feel like your car’s interior is a little unkempt. Give a friend a few rides, go through the drive-thru section of any fast food place, or have all of your office files or gym equipment on the back seat, and before long this can pile up.

Outside of paying a professional cleaning to sort this out each week (which can get expensive), it’s good to make this part of your routine. In this post, we’ll consider how to keep your car clean and in good condition, and the three principles you can use to achieve that. Without further ado, please consider the following:

Implement Small Rubbish Bags

A small container bag for rubbish and trash can be a great place to start. You might keep this on a small hook on the back of your chair, and use it for food wrappers, bits of paper you no longer need, empty coffee cups and a whole range of disposables. Then, you bring that with you when you arrive at the destination and dispose of it. That in itself can help you avoid garbage-creep under your footrests, or using seats as storage and apologizing when someone gets into your car for a ride.

Ventilation & Fragrance

Messy cars smell bad, and smelly cars feel messy and gross to occupy. That’s why it’s good to crack the windows when you can, even if it’s a little cold, if only for that fresh air. Depending on your situation, air fragrances you can hang or quick smoke or weed odor eliminator, if your friend is a little pungent (never drive under the influence yourself), can make a big difference. Odor-busting sprays can also help you remove pet smells from the seats, as can preparing for the drive with little mats to contain them, too.

Specific Areas For Specific Belongings

In order to feel less comfortable with the mess, it’s good to have specific areas for specific possessions in your car. So for example, you may have a small pot of change as opposed to keeping coins in your storage areas. You may keep your work bag on the back seat. You may keep your gym bag in the trunk/boot, ensuring that even sweaty clothes that need to be washed don’t stink up your car. When you’re particular about how you organize your car, it’s easy to organize it, and clean up out-of-place items. However, make sure this doesn’t entrench bad habits, as we all know how easy it is to move laundry from a chair to our bed depending on when we need either of those.

With this advice, you’re sure to keep your car clean by routine, not by tired obligation.