back to articles | August 04, 2021 | Arthur Brown

Categories: Useful Automotive Information

Tips And Tricks to Repair And Maintain Your Car

Everyone loves their cars, no matter whether it’s a brand new motor or an old banger! Your car forms part of your identity, part of your lifestyle, and helps you create memories all over the country. With more than 276 million cars on US roads, you can clearly see how popular they are.


Everyone loves their cars, no matter whether it’s a brand new motor or an old banger! Your car forms part of your identity, part of your lifestyle, and helps you create memories all over the country. With more than 276 million cars on US roads, you can clearly see how popular they are.

But, what happens when your car needs a little TLC? Do you know how to make sure your car is in good condition when heading out on a long journey? In this article, you will find plenty of tips and tricks on how to repair and maintain your car.

In Emergencies, Visit A Garage

It’s worth noting that whenever your car is in seriously poor condition, you should always seek expert advice. Any major or structural damage that you don’t know how to fix should only be addressed by a qualified mechanic. Failure to have it properly looked at could create disastrous situations and potentially invalidate any insurance you hold for the vehicle. Plus, if you have leased or financed a vehicle, you want to make sure you do everything right to make sure you don’t invalidate your contract. So, if something seems majorly wrong, speak to a professional right away.

Look For Info Online

For smaller tasks, there’s far more you’re capable of doing at home than you might think. Often, people go to garages for the most minor things, costing themselves loads of money in the process. But, as the professionals over at show, there are plenty of tips and tricks available online. If you have a small, nagging problem with your car electrics, a site like this is almost guaranteed to have a guide to help you figure the situation out. Again, you’re not going to find out how to fully replace an engine - nor should you attempt to do so without expert help - but, you can find out how to do plenty of simple car repairs online.

Simple Tasks You Can Do

When it comes to maintenance and repairs, there are plenty of simple tasks you can do from home. You don’t even need all the tools in the world to work on your car. Simply take a look below at some of the most common car maintenance you can do.

Check and Monitor Oil

Luckily, most of the time, if there’s an issue, your car will let you know. If you see a check or change oil light on your dash, you might find yourself racing down to the mechanics. No need! Changing or topping up oil is a super simple task. Use your dipstick to check the oil level and find a suitable top-up point. It’s as easy as that!

Check Other Fluids

The same goes for other fluids like engine coolant and washer water. These will also alert you if they are low or empty, but it’s super easy to regularly open the hood and have a check. Engine coolant is especially important, as, without it, you could find your car having a huge overheating episode on the side of the highway.

Assess Your Tires

People often neglect to check their tires before journeys. This can end up being a tragically fatal mistake. Tire tread should be at least 6/32” deep, even on well-used tires. Anything below this level, especially below 4/32”, means you should be looking to get your tires changed right away. Failure to do so could massively impact your stopping distance and cause skids on dangerous roads.

Test and Change Lights

Once again, testing lights are often not necessary, as your dash will tell you if certain lights are out. However, it’s always best to check. Get someone to stand behind and in front of your car as you try all the different lights. If any are out, it’s usually a simple fix. Pop the light fitting out from inside the trunk or hood, replace the bulb, and pop it back in!

Replace Wipers

Finally, people often run to the garage when their wipers aren’t working properly when instead, they should simply grab some new ones at any auto parts store and fit them themselves. Most wipers literally snap on and snap off of the wiper arms. So, as long as you buy the right length, it’s easy enough to replace them. If you’re unsure, the auto center will tell you what size fits your windshield.

These are all simple tasks that can be done at home or in a parking lot. There is no need to panic about any of the above things, they can all be fixed in a matter of minutes. Remember, though, anything more serious should warrant a trip to the garage.